Tuesday 15 September 2009

some thoughts as I get a year older...

when friends/people who know me find out that my bday is 16 Sept, some who know it, may go 'hey thats the same birthday as Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore's top political leader)' and my typical response is a *stale to me* joke that comes out once a year... 'Well David Copperfield was also born on the same day, so i figure i'll grow up to be a top politician or a rich magician with a penchance for supermodels (cue claudia schiffer)... choices... choices ;)' [as i get older this isn't gonna be usable any more as there'll be limited 'growing up' happening]

as the time comes by again this year though, i, like many i am sure, look back on the past year of my life... good and bad... the joys and pleasures, blessings... the sad bits, unhappy, angry moments, the choices, regrets, and hopes... the experiences and exposure... and reflect a little.

the more u know and experience in life, the more it allows u to determine, decide what matters to you... what it is that u value or can do without or less of...

"what you see is a guy who never measured a man's success by the size of his wallet..." bud's dad in wall street... money is necessary of course to live this life, but its not everything yuh ;) me? i pray for wisdom and favor :)

some thoughts then...

the answer is simple. do things that make you happy. if u do something that takes away from the joy that you have in this passion than don't go down that path any more. if u meet with people virtually or in person that u like, then continue meeting up and sharing with them and build friendships. the converse holds true as well of course. other things to note...

1) don't jump into big purchases - i haven't been disciplined so just a note to readers to take care in the management of your finances. don't make impulsive decisions...(if u can help it :)

2) Sharing of differing/diverse points of view is all good and it goes towards spreading the passion to a degree, but sometimes you meet folks who stand too strongly in the 'i am right' camp or deal in absolutes... theres also the big egos and BSDs (with their typically big watches) uhm... whatever... move along :)

3) watches to me are still one of the best possessions one can have :)

4) Selling watches can be tricky so try to buy to keep... as with selling anything yourself, you could meet low ballers, time wasters, and folks that you would generally not like to meet eg. folks who hope to gain too much at the lost of other collectors. i guess middlemen out there deserve a cut to have to deal with all sorts of icky people and also take on the risk of dealing with possible fraudsters...

5) do you tire of it? is it a sustainable lifelong passion?
Yes and yes. It is a sustainable lifelong passion in my view but i do tire from time to time. i do recognise that there will be times in my life that other priorities will come to the fore and other areas need more focus and attention, but its always good to come back to this love. theres ebbs and flows in all passions i suppose. this also goes back to your aims and what it is you wish to obtain through this journey. i have very low expectations now so hopefully i don't experience too many dissapointments :)

what are the reasons i think i'll keep coming back to this passion even if i lose steam? it is art in my eyes and its beauty is not lost on me. as with all art that enriches us this ones here for keeps in my book... just like dancing (even though its been awhile ;)

"I was dancing when I was twelve... I danced myself right out the womb... Is it strange to dance so soon? " ~ marc bolan and t.rex cosmic dancer


if i wasn't into watches as my one major passion, what would it be? probably nice cars... nice is a bit of an understatement for what follows... but u get the idea :) not that i could buy the ferrari below yuh just noting some real art in the car realm... the pininfarina scaglietti kind ;) a fezza... a prancing horse... the 250 GT SWB California Spyder


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