casio gshock lrg frogman in da house :)
[ ... as with all limited editions, don't buy it because it has some daft association or because of its exclusivity blah blah blah... buy it coz its gorgeous n it rocks ;) if u dun know how to determine that... then u need some raphmeister counselling sessions :) ... ]
yesterday, a package arrived... weird logos all over it... is it a tree conservation society?

hmm g-shock + lifted research group + 10... methinks what we have here is a casio g shock collaboration with lifted research group who are perhaps celebrating their 10th anniversary... possibly

but what on earth is a lifted research group... well... we have our answer here...

so as per my words earlier, i dun get limited editions coz they're limited editions... so whats inside this box should ... ROCK!

hold on a second... the box itself has some fine details...

but whats inside.... drum roll please... does ROCK! :) gorgeous white colorway casio g-shock frogman with navy teal and orange accents... come to papa u sexy thing...

again... they paid attention to details... interesting markings are to be found all over its pure white body

the back also noting its LRG association... and 10 years of playing? ;)

lets get a closer look then... full frontal... nice...

leaning a little to the side... nice...

EXTREME CLOSEUP so that u can see the pores... very nice...

it joins another white watch i got recently... my dw6900 rastafarian

and my other froggie... the icerc dolphin and whale...

not a very good lume shot but these are tricky to do... tried to get the color right below...

and lastly a wristshot...

congrats to lrg... i dun know much about your clothing company but hey its cool u're 10 and the cooler bit is that u came out with a gorgeous frogman with casio and that i managed to snag one :) oh and if u dun like the watch or g-shocks in general... there are other things to appreciate in the package ;)

kidding of course... hope u enjoyed the post... cheers, raph
[to read more about this collaboration, check out this page and video... CLICK ME]

hmm g-shock + lifted research group + 10... methinks what we have here is a casio g shock collaboration with lifted research group who are perhaps celebrating their 10th anniversary... possibly

but what on earth is a lifted research group... well... we have our answer here...

so as per my words earlier, i dun get limited editions coz they're limited editions... so whats inside this box should ... ROCK!

hold on a second... the box itself has some fine details...

but whats inside.... drum roll please... does ROCK! :) gorgeous white colorway casio g-shock frogman with navy teal and orange accents... come to papa u sexy thing...

again... they paid attention to details... interesting markings are to be found all over its pure white body

the back also noting its LRG association... and 10 years of playing? ;)

lets get a closer look then... full frontal... nice...

leaning a little to the side... nice...

EXTREME CLOSEUP so that u can see the pores... very nice...

it joins another white watch i got recently... my dw6900 rastafarian

and my other froggie... the icerc dolphin and whale...

not a very good lume shot but these are tricky to do... tried to get the color right below...

and lastly a wristshot...

congrats to lrg... i dun know much about your clothing company but hey its cool u're 10 and the cooler bit is that u came out with a gorgeous frogman with casio and that i managed to snag one :) oh and if u dun like the watch or g-shocks in general... there are other things to appreciate in the package ;)

kidding of course... hope u enjoyed the post... cheers, raph
[to read more about this collaboration, check out this page and video... CLICK ME]
May i know how much this watch cost and how i can lay my paws on one? please.
Hi Eugene
I believe LRG website sells it for US$600.
ebay has some sellers asking US$400-450.
some other sites had it for about US$300 for awhile but I believe those have sold out. google is your friend too. hope that helps.
for a moment i thought i was in another website..
Hi Ck
I assume that means you thought that this site is only about haute horlogerie and the more expensive mechanicals? :)
that is its main focus and fine timepieces in general, inclusive of g's are a focus, but it can be anything i would want to share about. hope u enjoy the read whatever the case or subject :)
Hi Raph...thank you for doing
these photos. You have a real
knack of photographing details.
I would never have noticed all
the great details of the frogman
if I had not seen them on your
blog. Even though I am a vintage
watch guy, I appreciate you
opening my eyes. Paul
thanks for your kind words Paul :) enjoy your vintage watches and perhaps maybe a g-shock on the horizon? :) cheers, raph
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